Dr. Ryan Kobrick
Project Consultant
Dr. Ryan L. Kobrick’s career portfolio has included over 20 years dedicated to the pursuit of human spaceflight with work experiences in government, academia, industry, and non-profits. His focal research areas have included: human performance; lunar dust abrasion and mitigation for spacecraft design and operations including habitat dust intrusion and advanced spacesuit technologies; exploration safety; assessing the reach / work envelopes for spaceflight intra vehicular activity (IVA) using pressure suits and motion capture; surface exploration extravehicular activity (EVA) metrics using analogue/analog research locations; IVA and EVA spacesuit technology development; and global engagement curriculum development.
Dr. Kobrick was a Principal Investigator at Paragon Space Development Corporation, leading dust mitigation NASA SBIR/STTR Phase I development for spacesuits and surface systems. At Paragon he was the Integrated Product Team Lead for the Dynetics Human Landing System ECLSS Atmospheric Monitoring Subsystem and Fire Suppression Subsystem and supported the Habitation And Logistics Outpost for the NASA Gateway Program. Ryan was an Assistant Professor of Spaceflight Operations at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Principal Investigator of the ERAU Spacesuit Utilization of Innovative Technology Laboratory (S.U.I.T. Lab). Other roles included: Project Manager for R&D at Space Florida, Postdoc at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Human Systems Laboratory (formerly MVL), Chairman & President of Yuri’s Night, and 3 rotations at the X PRIZE Foundation. Ryan has participated as a crewmember of simulated Mars missions 6 times including a 100-operational-day simulation on Devon Island.
Dr. Kobrick holds a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering (Queen’s University), Master of Space Studies (International Space University), Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering (Pennsylvania State University), and Doctor of Philosophy in Aerospace Engineering Sciences (Bioastronautics, University of Colorado at Boulder). Dr. Kobrick is active in the global space community contributing to committees in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the International Astronautical Federation, and the Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium.